Aerapy Awarded Patents for Upper-room UVGI and In-duct UVGI
December 8, 2020

We are pleased to announce that this year our Zone360 upper air UV (upper-room UVGI) unit and our PPR Series for in-duct equipment for HVAC were awarded U.S. patents. The team behind Aerapy has been in business for over a decade but will never stop innovating our UV disinfection technology to help improve your indoor environments.
The patent for our Zone360 upper air UV product was awarded for its unique hybrid system for disinfection. The ceiling-mounted unit disinfects by drawing air directly into its integrated UV system via a built-in fan while also disinfecting additional air circulating anywhere within a 360-degree zone of irradiation created by the unit’s UV-C rays. U.S. PATENT NO. 10,753,626 B2
Our PPR Series, designed for rooftop or package units, fits into new or existing HVAC systems to help stop the spread of infectious pathogens circulating through the air. PPR units include a safety door switch and viewport. U.S. PATENT NO. 10806818
For more information on these Aerapy UV sanitizing products and more, contact us today.
Aerapy's commercial-grade UV lights protect your clients, staff, and your business with proven UV disinfection technology. Contact us for more information.
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Aerapy Awarded Patents for Upper-room UVGI and In-duct UVGI
December 8, 2020

We are pleased to announce that this year our Zone360 upper air UV (upper-room UVGI) unit and our PPR Series for in-duct equipment for HVAC were awarded U.S. patents. The team behind Aerapy has been in business for over a decade but will never stop innovating our UV disinfection technology to help improve your indoor environments.
The patent for our Zone360 upper air UV product was awarded for its unique hybrid system for disinfection. The ceiling-mounted unit disinfects by drawing air directly into its integrated UV system via a built-in fan while also disinfecting additional air circulating anywhere within a 360-degree zone of irradiation created by the unit’s UV-C rays. U.S. PATENT NO. 10,753,626 B2
Our PPR Series, designed for rooftop or package units, fits into new or existing HVAC systems to help stop the spread of infectious pathogens circulating through the air. PPR units include a safety door switch and viewport. U.S. PATENT NO. 10806818
For more information on these Aerapy UV sanitizing products and more, contact us today.
Aerapy's commercial-grade UV lights protect your clients, staff, and your business with proven UV disinfection technology. Contact us for more information.
Please send me more information.