Results of Surprise Indoor Air Quality Analysis of Aerapy Upper Room UVGI Equipment
April 7, 2021

We recently learned that a risk management company performed an analysis of Aerapy UV to see if our products could be recommended to their clients. We had no idea they were testing our products and then publicly revealing the results. Surprise! The company, Premier Risk Management, discusses their testing process in a video which you can watch, below. As they explain, they had no financial incentive to conduct this test of Aerapy UV themselves and they’re not gaining anything from it other than “gaining the satisfaction we’re able to recommend something like this for the betterment of our clients, for people that trust us to come in and find solutions to protect their business, protect their employees and themselves.”
“Wanted to feel right about recommending this”
Premier Risk Management conducted the indoor air quality (IAQ) analysis of Aerapy upper air UV in their offices. They had read our independent lab testing results, so their expectations were high, but they conducted their test because they “wanted to feel right about recommending this.” Before installing the upper air UV equipment, they performed a spore trap analysis for the baseline assessment. Areas tested included their interior conference room where the video is filmed. As they note, the air quality in their offices was “already very good” and they have “very good HVAC usage,” but after our equipment was installed and they got the air quality test results back they were almost at a loss for words.
“Super impressive”
They had done this type of analysis of UV in work environments before and, although reduced, with other manufacturers’ UV place they still found airborne pathogens. But after testing IAQ with Aerapy UV they found “no identifiable spores or smuts (multicellular fungi) in the conference room.” Something they’d never seen before. It was, in their words, “super impressive.” To know that the Aerapy UV equipment was “sanitizing the air multiple times…to know that it’s that effective with spores or allergens or airborne” they felt secure that “we’re not going to have virus material hanging around in here at all.”
“Far superior”
As they explain, they did their analysis or Aerapy’s UV technology without telling anyone they were doing it because they “wanted to make sure the technology worked.” And it did. It really did. They found our UV equipment “far superior” and believe it’s putting them “ahead of the game” for their risk management clients. Aerapy UV is now in their “toolkit” and they “definitely recommend it.” As they suggest, our upper air UV units “work in any industry, your can put them in hospitals, nursing centers, care centers, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, clubs…”
“Don’t sit on this, get this done”
We are always confident in our researched, tested, and study-backed UV products but hearing what this risk management company had to say after conducting their own test was particularly satisfying. The complete video posted by Premier Risk Management discussing the results is below. And, as they advise, “don’t sit on this, get this done.” Contact us today to discuss how we can help sanitize the air for your business, your employees, and you.
Photo, above, Aerapy PSF Series upper air UV installed in a commercial kitchen.
Aerapy's commercial-grade UV lights protect your clients, staff, and your business with proven UV disinfection technology. Contact us for more information.
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Results of Surprise Indoor Air Quality Analysis of Aerapy Upper Room UVGI Equipment
April 7, 2021

We recently learned that a risk management company performed an analysis of Aerapy UV to see if our products could be recommended to their clients. We had no idea they were testing our products and then publicly revealing the results. Surprise! The company, Premier Risk Management, discusses their testing process in a video which you can watch, below. As they explain, they had no financial incentive to conduct this test of Aerapy UV themselves and they’re not gaining anything from it other than “gaining the satisfaction we’re able to recommend something like this for the betterment of our clients, for people that trust us to come in and find solutions to protect their business, protect their employees and themselves.”
“Wanted to feel right about recommending this”
Premier Risk Management conducted the indoor air quality (IAQ) analysis of Aerapy upper air UV in their offices. They had read our independent lab testing results, so their expectations were high, but they conducted their test because they “wanted to feel right about recommending this.” Before installing the upper air UV equipment, they performed a spore trap analysis for the baseline assessment. Areas tested included their interior conference room where the video is filmed. As they note, the air quality in their offices was “already very good” and they have “very good HVAC usage,” but after our equipment was installed and they got the air quality test results back they were almost at a loss for words.
“Super impressive”
They had done this type of analysis of UV in work environments before and, although reduced, with other manufacturers’ UV place they still found airborne pathogens. But after testing IAQ with Aerapy UV they found “no identifiable spores or smuts (multicellular fungi) in the conference room.” Something they’d never seen before. It was, in their words, “super impressive.” To know that the Aerapy UV equipment was “sanitizing the air multiple times…to know that it’s that effective with spores or allergens or airborne” they felt secure that “we’re not going to have virus material hanging around in here at all.”
“Far superior”
As they explain, they did their analysis or Aerapy’s UV technology without telling anyone they were doing it because they “wanted to make sure the technology worked.” And it did. It really did. They found our UV equipment “far superior” and believe it’s putting them “ahead of the game” for their risk management clients. Aerapy UV is now in their “toolkit” and they “definitely recommend it.” As they suggest, our upper air UV units “work in any industry, your can put them in hospitals, nursing centers, care centers, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, clubs…”
“Don’t sit on this, get this done”
We are always confident in our researched, tested, and study-backed UV products but hearing what this risk management company had to say after conducting their own test was particularly satisfying. The complete video posted by Premier Risk Management discussing the results is below. And, as they advise, “don’t sit on this, get this done.” Contact us today to discuss how we can help sanitize the air for your business, your employees, and you.
Photo, above, Aerapy PSF Series upper air UV installed in a commercial kitchen.
Aerapy's commercial-grade UV lights protect your clients, staff, and your business with proven UV disinfection technology. Contact us for more information.
Please send me more information.