UV Updates
UV Updates
Omicron Variant Update
Update 12/20/2021: Omicron now accounts for approximately 73% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., up from about 3% nationally [...]
Why UV Lights Are The Best Option For Sanitizing Indoor Spaces
In commercial indoor environments, viruses, bacteria, mold, and other illness-causing microorganisms can travel through air currents. These pathogens are [...]
But What If You Can’t Increase Ventilation?
A newly released study found that up to six times as many COVID-19 cases occurred in poorly ventilated school [...]
The Omicron Variant: What to Know Right Now
On Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed the overall global risk of Omicron, the newly discovered SARS-CoV-2 variant, [...]
How Much of an Impact Does UV Sanitizing Technology Have on Indoor Air Quality?
The US is home to about six million commercial buildings. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in these buildings can [...]
The Importance of UV Sanitization During This Time of COVID-19 Breakouts
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks wreaked havoc on the health and well-being of people across all age groups. The [...]
Omicron Variant Update
Update 12/20/2021: Omicron now accounts for approximately 73% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., up from about 3% nationally [...]
Why UV Lights Are The Best Option For Sanitizing Indoor Spaces
In commercial indoor environments, viruses, bacteria, mold, and other illness-causing microorganisms can travel through air currents. These pathogens are [...]
But What If You Can’t Increase Ventilation?
A newly released study found that up to six times as many COVID-19 cases occurred in poorly ventilated school [...]
The Omicron Variant: What to Know Right Now
On Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed the overall global risk of Omicron, the newly discovered SARS-CoV-2 variant, [...]
How Much of an Impact Does UV Sanitizing Technology Have on Indoor Air Quality?
The US is home to about six million commercial buildings. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in these buildings can [...]
The Importance of UV Sanitization During This Time of COVID-19 Breakouts
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks wreaked havoc on the health and well-being of people across all age groups. The [...]